La Jabotte

Our best spots to attend the Voiles d’Antibes this year!

By | 1 September, 2021 | 0 comments

Hoist the telescope and embark on the 26th edition of the Voiles d´Antibes which will take place this year from September 15 to 19, 2021! A real spectacle at sea not to be missed where, for 5 days, the most beautiful yachts will ply the bay of Antibes and Juan les Pins. At La Jabotte, Read full article

Categories: blog

Visit Antibes by walk: the must-sees of the old town

By | 10 June, 2021 | 0 comments


Visiting Antibes by walk is always a good idea. On sunny days, stroll through the shady alleys of the old town to discover the Provencal charm of this seaside resort bordered by ramparts. Do you like history, art, food or shopping? Leave the tuk tuk at the hotel for an urban walk through the heart of a city whose ideal location is a real eye-catcher … Read full article

Categories: blog

Restaurants in Antibes: Our best Places to try

By | 19 May, 2021 | 2 comments

Special edition ! What would a stay in Antibes be without tasting the local specialties and discovering the jewels of Azurean gastronomy? Without doubt a little bland and that is why today we are offering you some of the best addresses for lunch or dinner in Antibes.

“Le Figuier St Esprit”
It is on the side of the ramparts that the starred chef Christian Morrisset distills a cuisine in the rules of the art with Mediterranean flavors. Read full article

Categories: blog

From Garoupe to Gravette beach: our favorites beaches in Antibes

By | 28 April, 2021 | 0 comments

This is one of the assets of the Côte d’Azur, fine sand and pebbles scattered along the coast. In Antibes, from Garoupe beach to Gravette beach, via Salis beach or fake silver beach, discover our favorites spots to chill your feet in the water from the first rays of sunshine!
La Salis beach
less than 1 minute walkin from La Jabotte It is one of the main public beaches in Antibes, Read full article

Categories: blog

Botanical Garden of Cap’Antibes and other spring’s curiosities

By | 3 March, 2021 | 0 comments

botanical garden 900

buds are bloming, temperatures are warmer, birds are singing, no doubt, spring is about to bloom here! Do you dream of discovering colors other than the  Cote d´Azur’s blue palette? Feel the wet grass under your toes? Smell the roses’ scent? It is here, just next to La Jabotte that the novelist George Sand spoke of one of the botanical treasures of Cap d’Antibes, Read full article

Categories: blog

The best kept secret of Antibes|By the sea French Riviera Hotel

By | 19 February, 2021 | 0 comments

Secret Antibes Cote Azur Hotel Economique

What if we told you that a magical place is located in Antibes, right by the sea ? A place where you will be woken up by the cicadas from only 56€ per night. You would have difficulties to trust us, right ? Today, we’re sharing to you Antibes’ best kept secret. Read full article

Categories: Uncategorized

6 reasons NOT to spend your next trip in France at Antibes | Alpes Maritimes

By | 13 January, 2021 | 3 comments

As a couple, with friends or family, vacations in the South of France and more precisely the Alpes-Maritimes is total horror ! We advise you against it! Between incredible landscapes, atypical villages by the sea, exceptional climate and beaches, you’ll spend the worst vacation of your life ! There are many reasons not to spend your vacations in Antibes but today we decided to give you the 6 main reasons. Read full article

Categories: blog, vacances

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